

'Biodiversity Explorer Kit'

Developed especially for CNC India 2024 - WWF-India's 'Biodiversity Explorer Kit' is for simply anybody to get started with observing and documenting life around you. It comprises a series of guides to enable you to take the first step in learning about and forging lasting bonds with the flora and fauna with which you share your world. It offers insights on making observations, also reveals field tips and tricks for birds, plants, invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians and mammals. It contains a special section on 'Photographing Nature for Citizen Science'. You can download the entire kit as a whole unit, or as independent sheets. We hope it inspires you to fall in love with biodiversity in your backyard - get your copy now, and start exploring! 

Slideshow_ Introduction to iNaturalist & Bioblitzes.pptx

Introduction to iNaturalist & Bioblitzes

Adding observations to iNaturalist app on phone

2024 CNC FAQs.pdf

FAQ by the CNC Global team

CNC - Dos and Donts


Field guide for fungal specimens

Unlocking Nature's secrets with iNat

Printable handouts in Marathi for local school students 

iNaturalist संक्षेप द्वैभाषिक आवृत्ती .pdf
iNat Marathi Handout.pdf
iNaturalist Marathi.pdf

iNat Hindi Resources